Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Open House Celebration!!!

Dear Lord, I have swept and I have washed and still nothing is as shining as it should be for you. – Bob reading Mary Oliver

This prairie song fills my heart.  – Doug performing his Prairie Song

 It’s called community reliance.  That’s why we did all this. – Mike’s greeting

May you build a ladder to the stars.  May you climb on every rung.  May you stay forever young.  – Randy and Brad performing Dylan

We’d go in and read poetry to Paul at Locus Architecture to describe what we wanted our house to be.  – Linda’s greeting

There’s no self-reliance going on out there.  There isn’t any.  It’s the community of the Land.   The birds need the raspberries and the raspberries need the birds.  Mike’s greeting

You bring those plants together and form a new bouquet, a diverse bouquet, that represents not only the diversity of the prairie and the beauty of that diversity but also the beauty of the diversity in our own lives and all the people we love and have become bonded to.  - Pam leading the flower ceremony
Thank you for this day of celebration, for the life at play in everything, for this grand experiment, this patch of earth, so lovingly tended and coaxed back into nature.  -Pam’s blessing

Eons from now the land is still there and as before it yearns to share. All it needs to have is someone to love. – Gary performing The Land

…and all that we can say is hallelujah!


  1. What a wondrous celebration!

    1. I'm still bathing in it, like a beachful of solar hot water (as if there's any other ocean heat source )
