Sunday, July 24, 2011

Ready or Not...

Indeed I'm ready. 
Ready to leave old job.  Last check came from Medtronic yesterday:  the big severance payout buying me 17 weeks off the merry-go-round. 
Ready to leave old house.  De-stagers came Friday, carried away all the rented furniture.   Naked floor and walls.  This sunroom echoes like a tunnel.  Can’t wait to close the sale on Monday, 1 Aug, 1pm.
Ready to enter new house.  Itching to break ground, scrape dirt under my nails, get the House the Land Built built.  Tom, our builder, called with great news:  downsizing chopped $35K off the price, enabling us to be debt free when all is said and done.    And zero debt means less time “earning bread”  and more time engaging new life.
Ready to engage new life.  I can’t wait to step out my cabin front door, rub Savannah the Wonder Dog’s belly, walk down the hill, across Calico Hill Road and do land work.  Chainsaw and stack deadfall for winter splitting.  Girdle boxelder saplings.  Build a shelter where I can settle down and finish my book.
Ready to maintain what matters.  My friend, Missy, asked another good question, “How are you going to keep in touch with me?”  Decided to schedule a monthly Mike in Minneapolis day.   Maybe take my friendships to a new level:  make homebrew, turn wood bowls, play pinochle, watch Lord of the Rings until 2:30 AM.
In whatever way you pray or lend energy or send good thoughts and wishes, I ask for such now as I leap off the cliff. 


  1. love the blog entry and the tie or connect to your 5 main things. "I am ready!" to partake in taking friendships to new levels...having a Lord of the Rings would be fun...someday. Enjoy Monday August 1st! Heather

  2. What an exciting time for you Mike! Can't wait to talk to you.

